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  • D. Scarlatti – Sonate en Sol majeur K.144
  • F. Mendelssohn – op.67, n°4 en Do majeur. lieder ohne worte, book 6
  • H. Villa-Lobos – Sul America
  • H. Villa-Lobos – Tristorosa
  • W. A. Mozart – Eine Kleine Gigue K.574
  • D. Scarlatti – Sonate en Si bémol majeur K.551

"D’une constante justesse… Immanquablement séduisante par son élégance racée."

– Qobuz


"The new CD by Sonia Rubinsky has arrived and it is yet another piano masterclass. On the program, the fourth Mozart sonata, singing with the simplicity and naturalness of Backhaus; it is followed by Rachmaninov’s second sonata, which shows the musician using a stunning variety of colors, dynamics and sound layers without ever losing sight of her sense of the line. Then to Debussy,  with the Children's Corner, of which the Brazilian pianist masters the alchemy of quick-witted irony and fanciful melancholy; a dash of 'mitteleuropa' nostalgia with Kreisler's shimmering Libesleid, followed by the icing on the cake: Horowitz's formidable Variations on a theme from Carmen, sovereignly created and articulated.
Like no one today."

– Libération